
截止到2018年奥睿已经连续10次被权威的《美国律师杂志》(American Lawyer)评选为最顶级即“A-List”律师事务所,并且在2018年的评选中成为位居前四名的律所。 另一个著名的法律评选机构Law360截止到2018年连续7次将奥睿评选为“全球最佳20家律师事务所”(Global 20 Firm)之一。截止2017年奥睿连续两次入选BTI权威排名报告“24大优秀客户服务律所”。奥睿在知识产权领域是当之无愧的顶级律所。奥睿在2015和2016年连续两年被Law360评选为“年度最佳科技业务团队”。在科技领域,奥睿在全球40多个国家为超过1600家高科技公司提供法律服务,在美国高科技公司云集的旧金山湾区,最大的10家高科技公司中的8家,《财富》评选的全球最强的10家TMT 公司中的6家都是奥睿的长期客户,包括苹果、Google、 Facebook、微软、甲骨文、英特尔、默克公司等。在中国奥睿是腾讯、京东、百度、小米等知名高科技公司的主要法律顾问,奥睿在能源、基础设施和金融领域同样屡获殊荣。奥睿能源和基建业务遍及全球95个国家及美国全部50个州,在美国、英国、法国、意大利、日本、非洲奥睿能源业务都被Chambers, Legal500等评为顶级。金融方面奥睿在过去100年里一直以服务金融创新为特色走在律所前列,连续5年奥睿处理的债券业务占美国债券市场的10%以上。奥睿在诉讼仲裁领域同样是全球律所中的翘楚。在2016年奥睿被Law360评为“最佳5家诉讼律所”之一,被《美国律师杂志》评为“最佳10家诉讼律所”之一,在2018年又被Global Arbitration Review评为“全球最佳30名国际仲裁律所”之一。因为多次成功协助客户应对纷繁复杂的商业环境下面临的复杂法律问题的挑战,奥睿被著名财经媒体《金融时报》在2016和2017年连续两次评选为“北美最具创新精神的律所”和“亚太区最具创新精神的25家律所”之一。

1. 国内领先法学院在校生、毕业生且学习成绩优秀
2. 有流利的英文听说读写能力
3. 善于沟通以及法律检索技巧较强
4. 善于独立思考,具有较强的法律分析能力
5. 有团队合作精神以及快速学习能力,能适应高压工作环境
6. 实习期三个月起,每周工作五天,能接受加班



有意者请点击申请职位按钮或将中英文简历、成绩单电子版至: jysun@orrick.com。发送简历时,请务必在邮件标题中注明“申请公司组实习生”

此岗位为公司组实习生 (跨境并购方向),仅招收法学院在校生,硕士学位优先,有海外留学经验优先。

About Orrick
Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe has more than 150 years of history and more than 1,200 lawyers,headquartered in San Francisco, USA, with offices in major US cities such as New York, Washington, Los Angeles, and Houston; has offices across 25 major commercial and financial centers of North America, Asia, Europe, in Tokyo, London, Paris, etc. Orrick is a one-firm international law firm, with unified management of global offices, therefore able to provide clients with one-stop, comprehensive legal services efficiently. With unique advantages in Technology &Manufacturing related, Energy& Infrastructure, and Finance, Orrick has a world-class team of lawyers in cross-border M&A, Venture Capital, Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution, and Compliance sector. Orrick has offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong in China, including 7 partners practice in M&A, Financing, Intellectual Property and Dispute Resolution in Beijing and Shanghai, has the ability to provide comprehensive legal services for Chinese companies in overseas investment, Intellectual Property, Regulatory Compliance, Litigation& Arbitration. Orrick Beijing office‘s performance in 2017 ranked top3 among all international law firms in China, fully demonstrated the strong support of Orrick‘s global business for Chinese clients‘ overseas legal demands.
By 2018, Orrick has been honored for 10 consecutive times as the top "A-List" law firm by the authoritative "American Lawyers", it also ranked as a top 4 global law firm in 2018. Law360, another prominent law ranking agency, has honored Orrick as one of the "Global 20 Firm" for 7 consecutive times by 2018. Simultaneously by 2017, Orrick has been honored the "24 excellent client service law firms" for 2 consecutive times in BTI authoritative ranking report. Orrick is a well-deserved top firm in Intellectual Property sector. Orrick was honored Law360 “Best technology business group of the year" for 2 years in 2015 and 2016. In technology sector, Orrick provides legal services to more than 1,600 high-tech companies in more than 40 countries. In the San Francisco Bay Area, where US high-tech companies gather, 8 of the 10 largest high-tech companies, 6 of the world‘s 10 strongest TMT companies honored by Fortune are long-term clients of Orrick, including Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Oracle, Intel, Merck, etc. In China, Orrick is the main counsel of well-known high-tech companies such as Tencent, JD, Baidu and Xiaomi, Orrick is also award-winning in Energy, Infrastructure and Finance. Orrick Energy and Infrastructure operates in 95 countries and all 50 US states, In the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, and Africa, Orrick energy business has been honored as the top by Chambers, Legal 500, etc. With respect to Finance, Orrick has been at the forefront of law firm for the past 100 years for its finance innovation service. For 5 consecutive years, Orrick‘s bond business accounted for more than 10% of the US bond market. Orrick is also a leading global firm in Litigation and Arbitration. Orrick was honored Law360 "top 5 litigation law firms" in 2016, "top 10 litigation law firms" by American Law Journal, and "top 30 international Arbitration law firms" by Global Arbitration Review in 2018. Orrick was honored 2 times as "most innovative law firms in North America" and "the top 25 most innovative law firms in Asia Pacific" by Financial Times in 2016 and 2017, as a result of successfully helping clients cope with the challenges of complex legal issues under complex business environment.

To be eligible for our China internship, you must meet the following hiring criteria:
* A consistently strong academic record at a leading law school in China
* High level of fluency in written and spoken English
* Strong communication, interpersonal and legal research skills
* The ability to think analytically and independently
* A team player and quick learner with the ability to work well in a high-pressure environment
* 3-month internship at least, five days a week, overtime work is acceptable.

3-month to 6-month
Monthly salary system with excellent pay

China World Tower A, Beijing

How to Apply:
Please send an email to jysun@orrick.com, stating the dates of the internship program applied for and attaching your cover letter, resume, law school transcripts, English writing samples and references. Please indicate “Applying Corporate intern” in the subject of your email.

You will work for Corporate group (M&A). The opportunity is only open for law school students. Graduate school students with oversea experience are preferred.